Unexplainable School Suspensions That Got Some Teachers Fired

Always Getting Bullied

YouTube / YAP TV

There was this kid in middle school that was always getting bullied. Despite going to tell teachers and administration, nothing changed. His parents got involved, and even the few friends he had stood up for him as much as they could. He still got beaten and picked on almost every day, and his abusers suffered no consequences. This went on for an entire school year. So over the summer, he took self-defense lessons. 

Come next year, the bullying started up, but this time he broke one of the kids’ noses. However, he got in trouble and was permanently suspended from school. This caused such an uproar from his parents and other students that even the local news got involved. It was a mess, but he ended up having to go to another school district, and I think the principal resigned over the incident.

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