Rubber Gloves Required

I was waiting on a flight in Denver. A little old man gets on and is arguing with the flight attendants about how he’s in “business class” and he paid for “business class”. This is a two-class flight, first and coach, the flight attendant tries to explain to him, but he’s having none of it. I figure he was probably connecting to an international flight that had three classes at the next airport but whatever.
He decides he’s going to sit in first class anyway. So he gets into the last row in first class, squeezes all the way over to the window seat, and refuses to budge. After a lot of arguing with the flight attendants, the authorities get called in. Meanwhile, the HUGE man (probably 6’8’’ tall) whose seat he was sitting on had arrived and was just laughing at the whole situation.
The best part was when the officers arrived and the huge man had to tell them, “Hey, it’s not me”. The officers spend probably 20-30 minutes trying to talk the poor old guy into moving to his proper seat, but he’s not budging and becoming more and more incoherent. So finally the officers have got to do something: they put on their rubber gloves, grab the guy, drag him out of the seat, and put him on the floor to cuff him.
The old guy is screaming and crying like someone’s hurting him. Finally, they get him off the plane. The officers came back in to get everyone’s contact info in case they needed them for a trial. The poor flight attendants had to clean the seats because the old guy had soiled himself when they were pulling him out of the seat.
Story credit; Reddit / bulldogdiver