Passive-Aggressive Gems

I once flew from Chicago to Israel with a woman who didn’t seem to understand that everyone around her was in the same situation she was in. Over the course of our day together, she dropped a number of passive-aggressive gems—but the worst one was right when we were being seated for the first leg. The plane was one of those 3-5-3 setups, with aisles on each side of the five-seat section.
This woman was seated in the middle of the five-seat section. “But you can’t seat me in the middle”! She said. “What if I need to get up and walk around and the people next to me are asleep?! I’ll be very uncomfortable for this whole flight”! …Wow, lady! You figured out why flying kind of sucks all by yourself! Now sit down and start pretending you’re not here like the rest of us.
Story credit: Reddit / clocksailor