Unforgettable Airline Travel Horror Stories

Put Your Purse Away


As a flight attendant, it really bothers me when I tell someone something simple, for example, “I need you to stow your purse underneath the seat in front of you,” and they argue as if it’s my personal preference. I always very sweetly explain that it’s a federal aviation regulation, and sometimes even then, people argue.

Why? They want to know. And that’s fair. So, I tell them, “If we need to evacuate the aircraft, your purse could get caught on an armrest and slow not only you down but all of the people behind you”. Usually, at this point, people comply. But I had one lady continue past that point, telling me how expensive, handmade, and Italian her purse was.

Which is neat, good for her, but all I could think was, “Wow. You are seriously implying that a bag you carry nothing in is more valuable than the lives of those around you… The balls you must have, ma’am”, But I can’t say that. I can only think it. I had to put it to her in selfish terms and in a mental space that she appeared to be in”.

Is your purse more important than you being on this flight”? I asked her. She asked me if I was serious. I started walking towards the open cockpit to tell my captains we had someone unwilling to comply, and she yelled. “I did it. Are you happy now”? I wasn’t, but we were able to taxi at that point. That was extreme, but yes, I hated her. Still do.

Story credit: Reddit / PickleB

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