Unique Cases of Hide and Seek Going South

Immensely Terrifying


Oh, finally I can tell my story. So when I was younger, my sister and I and a few others were playing hide and seek in our house and I thought I knew the best hiding spot: Behind the chair in the living room where we keep knitting needles.

I was highly medicated back then for my epilepsy so I didn’t think too straight, and I crouched down right on the needles. There’s no easy way to say this… The needles went through my sack in multiple places. I stood up and looked down in shock. I ran upstairs to my dad and he looked down at my crotch in horror.

I was dripping blood from my…yeah. It was bad. He drove me to the hospital so fast and everything ended up being okay. Yes everything works just fine still. And yes I have some scars. No idea who won the game though. Hunterbing

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