Overestimation at its Worst

The summer after senior year, we had a hangout at a friend’s house as a celebration before we all went off to school. It was then decided that we should play hide and seek, but normal hide and seek is too boring, so we would play hide and seek in the dark. Well, we’re playing the game and I’m the seeker.
You see, there was this one door that some people were hiding behind, and I decided to try and push it open. Later I found out the reason it didn’t budge was because one of my buddies had propped a small trampoline against it. Well, after a few seconds it gives way rather easily. Game continues and ends.
Someone turned the lights on—and that’s when we saw the damage. I had broken the door by snapping it entirely out of its frame. Afterwards I freak out a little because, you know, property damage. In the end, it all turned out fine and we still can laugh about it. Meteor_Smash