Unique Cases of Hide and Seek Going South

They Were So Wrong


This one time a couple of my friends and I had gone to another friend’s building to just get together. I was on the team that was catching the others. I reach the back of the building, which is mostly empty except for a small shed with a water tank on its roof which you can climb up to via a ladder.

I spotted a couple of my friends on top of the roof next to the water tank and started climbing up to catch them. Once they saw me they started panicking. Anyways one guy made the impulsive choice to jump into the tank.

He probably thought there would be water in. He was very wrong. It was completely dry except for a puddle at the bottom. I saw him jump in…and heard him hit the bottom of the tank. We had to call the guard to come get him. He was fine, just sprained his ankle, but we all got shouted at. emo_nemo-_-

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