Unique Cases of Hide and Seek Going South

The Terrible Idea


When I was younger, about 3 or so, my great-grandmother was watching my younger brother, some cousins, and I. She decided hide and seek was a great idea since we all weren’t able to open any doors without her help. Turns out, it was a terrible idea.

So I got under the coffee table. Well, I got too comfy and fell asleep. My great-grandma gets so worried that I somehow got out of the house when I wouldn’t respond to her calling out for me, she called 9-1-1. The fire department shows up first and starts asking her questions about what happened.

Well, one of the firemen sees a little shadow move under the coffee table (me) and asked if my grams had a dog. She didn’t. So the search was over, and my grams never wanted to play hide and seek again with me. And that kids, is how I earned the nickname Hidey for the rest of my life. Kittykatt2819-

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