Unique Cases of Hide and Seek Going South

Horror in the Bathroom


I was probably 11 or 12 and I was very good friends with the next-door neighbor kids. One day we decide to play hide and seek inside their house. I’m hiding first and I find a great spot in the shower with the curtain closed. I hear the door to the bathroom open and one of them are talking about where I could be.

The door then closes and I think nothing of it and stay as quiet as possible. To my horror, I realize what is happening. The sister is using the bathroom while I’m directly across from her, hiding behind the shower curtain. I stayed as silent as I could until I heard her leave.

Unfortunately, I left a little too soon and they all watched me walk out of the bathroom. I just kept denying it but the sister kept looking at me really confused and seemed to be wondering if I really was or not. pj123mj

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