Unique Cases of Hide and Seek Going South

Bouncing Kids


It was dark outside and you couldn’t see anything, so I thought it would have been a great idea to grab my blanket and put it over me while I lay on my trampoline. My hiding spot was so good, none of my sisters could find me. They finally got my mom involved—and that’s where things went sour. 

My mom and stepdad start freaking out, thinking I ran away. Eventually, I wake up. I wake up and I see that my bedroom light is on and my mom is walking around talking on the phone. My mom was on the phone with the authorities. So I get off the trampoline with my blanket still wrapped around me.

I walk through the back door. My mom walks out of my room in tears and sees me on the couch. My sisters are in my parents’ room and my stepdad is still looking for me. She asks me where I was and I tell her. Some officers come and she makes me talk to them—they weren’t impressed. Permalink

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