Unique Cases of Hide and Seek Going South

The Master of Hide and Seek


I take hide and seek VERY seriously. When I was in high school, I went to a camp every holiday where one of our activities was a nightly game of spotlight. Spotlight is essentially hide and seek, but played outside on an oval in the dark, with weak flashlights. It was a BIG deal to be the last one found.

So I go all out. Full matte black clothing. And I pick the best possible spot—it was in long, wet grass on the side of the oval. Weird thing was, three other guys picked the same spot a minute later as time was running out, only they bunkered down closer to the edge of the grass where it was dry.

Then the craziest thing happened. As he moves further in, he actually steps on me. And thinks I’m just a pile of garbage. So that hurt. Well, I stayed in that wet ditch for two hours. When I finally made my way back to the dorm… it was not to triumph. It turns out everyone had forgotten I existed. Astecheee

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