Unique Cases of Hide and Seek Going South

The Cat Joined In


When I was in 7th grade, my best friend and I were playing hide and seek with my little sister. So my friend goes into my grandpa’s room (because he lives with us) and goes to hide under his bed. When he finally gets under the bed he sees my cat lying there so he starts to pet her.

He started petting her, but then he noticed something was horribly wrong. She was stone cold. So he comes and gets me and says, “Dude I think your cat is…” I look at him straight in the face, surprised, and told him “Where!? She’s been missing for months!”

We told my parents and they immediately called Stanley Steamers to clean up the carpet under her. For some context, my cat loved to go in the storm drain and she was really old so we assumed she left and went in some storm drain. Surprisingly she DID NOT smell. She went out completely odorless. Dudbris

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