Unique Cases of Hide and Seek Going South

Doggy Trouble


When I was about seven we were playing flashlight tag around the neighborhood and the spot I picked was in someone’s backyard area by a trampoline. I’m sitting there and I started hearing some rustling behind me, but didn’t want to move because I thought it was the kid looking for me. 

If I’d known what it was, I’d have run for my life. Next, I hear a chain sound—and suddenly a pit bull latches onto the back of my leg and wouldn’t let go. I lay there screaming until my brother finally found me. He gets the dog to let go and run away, but he took a chunk of the back of my leg with him.

Doctors had to take some fat from my butt to patch it up and now I have a pretty sweet-looking wound on the back of my leg. Heidelkerb

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