Unique Cases of Hide and Seek Going South

Afraid of Going to the Slammer

Flickr / davidsonscott15

One of my friend’s dads was an officer with a dated patrol car in his driveway. My friend decided to hide in the trunk, which he was able to jimmy open. As soon as I walked up, my buddy popped up to scare me… For some reason I decided to slam the trunk back shut.

As soon as I did this we realized we could not get him out. He was shrieking in pure fear. Me and the other kid did not dare go up to his dad’s front door to tell him. After a few minutes of panicking, trying to get him out, I hear my name being called from my house. I’m not proud of what I did next. 

I sat at the dinner table, eating as fast as I could, pretending everything was fine, while my friend was locked in the trunk outside. My friend had found a latch in the trunk and gotten himself out by the time I got there. We didn’t have to tell his dad and my parents never found out. zeldasaurusrex

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