Unique Cases of Hide and Seek Going South

An Awful Idea


My brother is small and very flexible and we even have a saying about gatherings “if he fits he sits” because he can basically fit himself anywhere, no matter how crowded.

One time when we were very young and playing hide and go seek, I realized that he was hiding in our clothes dryer machine with the door closed. Par for the course for him. Being the classic older brother, I thought I would turn it on and give him a quick scare and turn it off right after.

Unless you’ve used a dryer before, you don’t know that you turn it off by opening the door, and there’s no off button. I, being like 9, had never used one and was expecting an off button. You can guess what happened next.

Around and around he went as I yelled for my parents to help and they yelled back to open the door while they ran over. Luckily he was completely unharmed despite being spun nearly 10 times.

Could have been so much worse, but we can laugh about it now. Why do we do this to our younger siblings? Source: Reddit/TarkovskyAnderson

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