Unique Cases of Hide and Seek Going South

That One Terrifying Day


My friend lives in a huge house, and when his parents weren’t home, my entire friend group would play hide and seek. We haven’t done it in almost two years now that we are all in college, but it was still something to do. His dad owned a set of these Mexican mariachi band dolls, but they were really creepy.

He said they were supposedly possessed and weird things would happen if we touched them. I didn’t believe him until that one terrifying day. The dolls all had bodies like cats or rabbits, but really freaky-looking human heads.

One night when we were playing, my friend Todd and I were the ones seeking for our other friends.

Little did we know, one of our friends took the guitar-playing doll and set it on the dining room table, along a really long hallway. My friend and I entered the room and thought someone was under the table, and then we noticed the doll.

Of course, it scared the heck out of us, but we thought nothing of it. I turned to go around the table, when the cabinet doors that the doll was looking right at swung open and hit me in the knee and stomach. Everything fell out of the door and Todd and I took off in the other direction.

We called our friends to come out and show them what happened. We put the doll back with the rest of them in the basement and never touched them again. Story credit: Reddit / patrickluppino

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