Unique Cases of Hide and Seek Going South

The Dark Truth


When I was about 12, I was playing hide and seek during a church lock-in. It was great! Huge, dark building, tons of great places to hide. I was carefully looking everywhere for the best place, and finally found it in a small chamber off of the main sanctuary.

There was what looked like a large, sturdy marble-topped table in one corner, but with also a raised bottom platform instead of just legs and the floor. It was partly covered by a thick and weird-smelling cloth, and had extra “legs” in the middle that were ornately carved.

So, I climbed onto the bottom portion and pulled the cloth over the side so as not to be seen. Stayed there for maybe half an hour. Kind of creepy. I was found last and won, but everyone was freaking out about my hiding place.

I couldn’t figure out why until someone showed me a photo of the weird item in use. Then it finally hit me. It was a coffin stand. Story credit: Reddit / SchnarchendeSchwein

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