Unique Cases of Hide and Seek Going South

When They Realized What Happened


My younger sister and I (seven and eight years old at the time) were playing nighttime hide and seek at my cousins’ house, all while our parents enjoyed a few bottles of vino. We had stopped over for the night before catching a ferry to France the next morning.

It was my turn to seek, so my sister and cousins went off to hide as usual. I found my youngest cousin first, then shortly after found my sister hiding on a windowsill behind a closed curtain. I dramatically pulled the curtain to reveal her.

She hopped down and ended up in a pile of tears on the floor, holding her right butt cheek. She just couldn’t stop crying. I comforted her and our game ended as our other cousin came to see what was wrong.

Through tears, she explained that she had hit the radiator under the windowsill as she had jumped off. She kept crying so I took her down to our parents, where she sat on my mom’s lap for a while. Once she’d calmed down, she came back to resume the game.

But instead of hiding again, it went wrong again. She burst back into tears. I took her down once again to my mom, who was now inspecting a spot of blood on her white jeans. That’s when we finally realized what had happened. 

It turned out my sister had ripped a 4 cm hole in her butt cheek as she’d hit the corner of the radiator on the way down. It was gruesome. My aunt, a GP who’d had a glass or two of cabernet, got my sober uncle to drive her, my sister, and my mom to a hospital.

She stitched my sister together and all was fine. The story doesn’t end there though. The following day my parents, sister, and I left my cousins to catch that ferry to France for our annual holiday.

Halfway through the holiday, my sister’s stitches needed removing. Fearing that a French hospital may freak her out, my dad proceeded to remove the stitches himself.

I will never forget her screams—they were truly bloodcurdling. They sometimes feature in my nightmares. She was left with a gnarly, purple scar that has slowly faded over the last 20 years. It’s still very visible though. My butt tingles and I grimace whenever I think of this story. Source: Reddit/Isobeleh

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