Unique Cases of Hide and Seek Going South

Don’t Go Into the Woods


When I was about eight years old, my six-year-old brother and three-year-old sister were playing some type of easy hide and seek in my grandparents’ backyard. Well, there are woods behind their house.

Our sister, being a defiant toddler, ran into the woods and my brother just saw her run in and ran in after her. That’s when things went wrong. They were in the woods for hours because she ran in so deep and they both got turned around.

Our brother found a hunting post, climbed up it into the tree, and found a way out. They then knocked on doors, covered in dirt and scratched up, until someone answered. A woman gave them a ride back because our brother was able to point out landmarks to get back to our grandmother’s house.

They got back while my mother was on the phone with an officer, and they were discussing a helicopter to find them. We were this close to a search party.

They walked a collective two to three miles. They could have gone miles deeper into rural woods if they didn’t keep going one way and find the post. So yeah, watch your darn kids!

Telling them “Don’t go into the woods” does not guarantee they will listen. The authorities were called and still showed up to give the kids a “talking to.” Source: Reddit/EveryDisaster

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