Unique Cases of Hide and Seek Going South

They Were Covered in…


My siblings and I lived in a big house in the suburbs growing up, the kind with a huge finished basement that seemed to go on forever. Our favorite game to play when the cousins came over was hide-and-go-seek tag in the dark.

That basement could get pitch black when you turned the lights out and covered up the one window. To add another element, we made a rule where you could only crawl during the game. So, there we are, on our hands and knees waiting in our hiding spot in the dark.

I hear the seeker “find” my brother, which immediately turns into a game of crawling tag. They are FLYING around this basement at top speeds. Then suddenly, we all hear my brother SCREAM.

Being the big sister, I go right for the light switch and pause the game to see what happened. He holds up his hands, which are COVERED in….dog poo. Our dog had snuck downstairs while he thought no one was there and took a giant dump in the middle of the room, and my brother fast-crawled right through it.

20 years later, this is still the funniest story we tell at family get togethers—about the time that a game of tag went horribly wrong. Source: Reddit/annieoakley11

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