
UPS Driver Enters Home Without Permission

UPS Driver Enters Home Without Permission March 8, 2022Leave a comment

He could feel his heart begin to race when he noticed that the package was still on the doorstep. Why on earth was it still there? He decided that it was best to knock on the front door, but no one answered it. He didn't know what else to do, so he slowly twisted his hand around the handle and pushed the door open.

He was slightly worried about the dog that he had heard earlier. He was trespassing after all. When Justin stepped into the house, his eyes widened when he saw the owner. Something was seriously wrong.

Good Man

YouTube / WXII 12 News

Justin Garcia was a good man. He loved life and always tried to make the most of it. He liked making people laugh, even strangers.

Justin was a hardworking man, he prided himself in his work. He liked that it excited people whenever they saw his van outside of their homes. He truly loved his job.

Helping Hand

YouTube / WXII 12 News

Justin always knew he wanted to help people, even if it was in the tiniest way. He kept that in mind while looking for a job. He knew that he wouldn't ever become an EMT or a firefighter, but that didn't mean that he couldn't help people in other ways.

Justin liked the idea of becoming a UPS driver. It wasn't anything fancy, but he never wanted a glamorous job. As long as he could make someone smile, he was happy. He knew how exciting it was to open your front door and find a package waiting for you.

Friday Morning

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Justin learned the ins and outs of his job rather quickly, and soon, he felt quite competent. It was a Friday morning, and Justin had started his usual delivery route. He didn't know why, but he had an odd feeling about one of the deliveries he would have to do that day. When he got to the house, everything seemed normal. But when he approached the door, he could hear a dog whining on the inside.

The experience spooked him and he quickly returned to his car. If he had known what was on the other side of that door, he would have called the cops.

Finally Weekend


It had been a long week and Justin was relieved to finally be home. He never worked over the weekend, he took the time to recharge and relax. During that weekend, he slept, ate, watched his favorite show, and hung out with his friends.

But he kept thinking about the house with the whining dog. He didn't know it yet, but soon, he would have to return to that house.


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The weekend had passed and it was Monday again. Justin was well-rested and ready for a new week on the job. For the entire day, he went about his usual routine with a smile on his face. He knew he was making a difference, and it made him happy.

The day ran smoothly. There were no mishaps or strange events. Nothing like the house he had gone to on Friday. He couldn't understand why he was still thinking about it.

Bad Feeling

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That Tuesday, Justin started his day with his usual cup of coffee. He did so while looking at his delivery route. That was when it send a shiver down his spine. He realized that he would have to deliver to the house again. The house he couldn't stop thinking about.

He had to mentally prepare himself for it. He didn't want to get caught off guard by the dog this time. But he was about to experience something that would turn his world upside down.

Continue As Usual

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There were a lot of deliveries to make before Justin would have to go to that house again. He went about his day like any other as he did his thing.

Some people greeted him at the door while others left him to drop the package on their porch. But now, it was time for Justin to go to the house again. He thought that he would be fine, but he was about to be in for a ride.

Back At The House


After a short drive, he finally arrived at the house. He recognized it instantly, and the uneasy feeling was back.

When he walked up to the door, he instantly froze as he heard the same sounds as before. The dog whining. But this time, it sounded more desperate than before. Justin knew that something had to be seriously wrong.

Still There


As he stepped closer to the door, he saw something that he wasn't expecting. The same package he had delivered days before was still sitting on the porch, right where he left it.

His stomach dropped when he looked up at the door. He called for the owner but there was no response. Then he glanced down at the door.

A Noise


The package on the doorstep made his pulse race. Why was it still there? He decided to knock on the door, but there was no reply. Justin slowly turned the handle and pushed the door open. He was worried about the dog he had earlier.

After all, he was technically trespassing on someone's property. But once Justin slowly walked in and found the owner of the house, it was clear something was very wrong.

In Need Of Help


Justin found the dog whining over its owner. The man was lying on the floor of his hallway, clearly in need of help. Justin rushed over to his side and held his hand while he called 911.

He stayed with the man the entire time while the ambulance was on its way. He reassured him that the man would be okay and that he'd get the help that he needed. The man looked up at him with tears in his eyes and said one thing - "I love you."

Ambulance Arrives


After twenty minutes, paramedics arrived on the scene and took the man away in a stretcher. Justin was just happy that he found the man when he did. He decided to go visit him after his shift ended.

Once he got to the hospital, the man was recovering in one of the wards. Once Justin found him, he seemed more than grateful. But what did the doctors say?

Just In Time


The doctors told Justin that the man wouldn't have gone another day all on his own without any help. They said that he was very lucky that Justin had found him when he did. Justin couldn't believe that he had been stuck on the ground for nearly a week!

He seemed so grateful that Justin had found him. It was the look that made Justin feel alive. He loved helping people after all, and now he had helped someone out of real danger.

Going Further


But Justin didn't just stop at saving the man's life. After speaking to him, he realized that the man's dog was home alone. He decided to drive back to his house and organize a sitter for the dog until the man recovered.

Justin became friends with the man and would personally deliver all of his packages, just to make sure that he was doing well. He only wanted the best for.