Life Travel

Valuable Discoveries Unearthed In Strange Locations Around The World

Valuable Discoveries Unearthed In Strange Locations Around The World August 16, 2023Leave a comment

Unexpected discoveries can range from finding $20 in a forgotten coat pocket to uncovering a family heirloom in the basement. But these surprising finds have been discovered around the world and range from bizarre artifacts to priceless historical items. Whether they were found by surprise or searched for over centuries, these discoveries were all truly astonishing.

Underground Pyramid, Bolivia

Pinterest / enterprisehot

Archaeologists have made remarkable discoveries at Bolivia's Tiahuanaco ruins, including an underground pyramid in 2015, detected with ground-penetrating radar. Excavations by private companies and the government are ongoing at this UNESCO World Heritage Site, previously ancient South America's most significant city, uncovering monuments, palace ruins, sculptures, and more.

"Witch Bottle," Found In An English Chimney

Wikimedia Commons / Malcolm Lidbury (aka Pinkpasty)

Demolition contractors found a 'witch bottle' in a former Watford, England pub's chimney. This 1800s artifact, filled with unidentifiable liquid, teeth, and glass shards was likely a talisman against witches. Interestingly, this property was the birthplace of Angeline Tubbs, the Witch of Saratoga who migrated to New York in 1761 to sell witch bottles and read fortunes. Although the materials value about $40, this item is priceless to historians.

Giant Lego Men Wash Up On Beaches in Japan


It appears that a mysterious Dutch artist by the name of Ego Leonard is the one responsible for these staggering Legos that have washed ashore. According to his website, Leonard hails from a "virtual world". Surprisingly, this is not the first instance of its kind, with similar behemoths having also been discovered on the beaches of Siesta Key, Florida and Topanga Beach, California.

World's Largest Flower Discovered in Jungle


At a whopping 3.6 feet in diameter, this particular Rafflesia flower is the largest documented to date. It's easily distinguishable from other species by its flesh-colored petals dotted with white spots. As part of the “corpse flower”, this plant has an unpleasant aroma - reminiscent of a decaying corpse.

Shark Found on a Golf Course


When Sharknado was released in 2013, many of us laughed at it, but the creator of the movie might be having the last laugh. Apparently, this "fictional" movie wasn't too far off from reality, a year before; at San Juan Capistrano Golf Course in California, a leopard shark actually did fall from the sky! The two-pound shark was found alive, carried there by a bird and dropped accidentally. The quick-thinking cart attendants swiftly put the fish into a bucket of salt water and safely released it back to the ocean at Baby Beach.

Underwater River Found In the Ocean


Divers have discovered an underwater river hidden beneath a blanket of toxic gas off the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. This river flows from the Cenote Angelita, a large sinkhole, and extends out to the ocean 90 feet below the surface. The clouds of hydrogen sulfide that encase the river would be deadly to any human brave enough to enter them; along with petrified trees, a lone skeleton lurks in the noxious gas. The ancient Mayans believed that the Cenote Angelita was a gateway to Hell, and in this case, their beliefs could be justified.

Long-Lost Ship and Treasure, Namibian Desert


Believe it or not, the remains of a Portuguese ship, the Bom Jesus, were discovered in an unlikely place - the Namibian Desert. The ship went missing five-hundred years ago off the coast of Namibia, and as the coastline receded, the Bom Jesus reemerged. A team was sent out to excavate the wreckage, and they unearthed two-thousand coins and tens of thousands of pounds of copper ingots, almost all still in perfect condition.

Underground Theater, Paris Catacombs

Netfalls / Adobe Stock

In August of 2004, while Parisian police were engaged in a training exercise, they made a startling discovery; a fully-equipped movie theater was found in a previously uncharted cave of the Catacombs. An amphitheater had been carved into the rock, and the room was filled with projection equipment, a cinema-sized screen, and a selection of thriller and noir films.

Ancient Chapel Hidden Under Family Home

Facebook / Daily Mail

Pat and Diane Farla were startled to discover an underground chapel behind a six-foot-long rectangular plate on their wall at a Good Friday party in Shropshire, England. Unbelievably, they had never looked behind the plate in the three years they had owned the home. The cellar-like structure featured pews and a cross, and authorities think it may have been used long ago by worshippers escaping religious persecution during the turbulent times of England's religious wars.

1,000-Year-Old Viking Ship on a Farm

lifenorway / Twitter

The team of archaeologists found something unexpected while using ground penetrating radar on a farm in Norway - a ship dating back to either the Merovingian or Viking Period, buried only two feet below the surface. The discovery was a total surprise: they had come there for a different expedition, totally unaware of the ancient burial mound from one-thousand years ago that they were about to uncover. The same technique used to discover the Gjellestad Ship in Norway was employed during this journey.

50-Year-Old Safe Found in Kitchen Wall

TheMirror / Twitter

In Phoenix, Arizona, a newlywed couple made an unexpected discovery hidden behind a kitchen wall: a safe containing not only $50,000 and an antique bottle of bourbon, but also a book entitled A Guide for the Perplexed by E.F. Schumacher, a map of Arizona, and a Bingo card with numbers outlined. These puzzling items seemed to be part of a complicated treasure hunt, yet the couple remains clueless as to how to crack the code.

$19 Million Qing Dynasty Vase In An Attic


While rummaging through their attic in France, a homeowners' chance discovery of a gorgeously decorated porcelain vase brought them great fortune. Unbeknownst to them, the vase had been created during the Qing Dynasty, and was an extremely valuable antique. Its appraised value alone, estimated as being between $590,000 and $825,000, was the highest amount ever given for a piece of its kind. To their delight, the couple made a vast profit on the vase when it went for an astonishing $19 million after a heated auction.

$15 Million Painting Found Behind Wall

Getty Images

The two brothers were sorting through their late father's home when they uncovered an astonishing surprise within the walls; it was an original Norman Rockwell painting. This particular Rockwell was similar to a framed copy which occupied the wall right nearby. It was revealed that their father had discreetly concealed the authentic artwork while going through a divorce with his ex-wife. The painting labeled "Breaking Home Ties" stayed in the wall for years after their father had passed away, until it was brought to a Sotheby's auction where it was sold for a whopping $15.4 million.

Mark Twain Manuscript In a Trunk


After being lost for more than a century, the 665-page handwritten manuscript of Huckleberry Finn was discovered in 1991 in a trunk located in an attic. Comparing the original source text to this copy of the book, it was discovered that there were significant differences. Initially, the Mark Twain Project at U.S.C. thought that the copy of the document was lost after being sent to Buffalo, New York, however this proved to not be the case when the granddaughter of one of Twain's close friends found the trunk.

Terracotta Warriors Found In Secret Chinese Tomb


In 1974, Chinese workers stumbled upon a remarkable discovery while digging a well – thousands of terracotta clay figures dressed for battle. Known as the Terracotta Army, this awe-inspiring army was found near the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang, the First Chinese Emperor, and in 1987 it became a registered UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Deep Sea Alien Wreck Found in Sweden

Hauke Vagt/Pinterest | Ocean X/Wikimedia Commons

Swedish scientists seemed to have fulfilled expectations when they found a mysterious unexpected anomaly in the depths of the Baltic Sea, which many people at first believed to be a spaceship. Nevertheless, the leader of the Ocean Explorer team, Peter Lindberg, maintained that this formation was of a natural origin and wasn’t composed of metal. Regardless, this discovery has stirred up a lot of speculation about what exactly this deep-sea find might be.

Abandoned WWII-Era Plane, Papua New Guinea


During WWII, the powerful Boeing B-17E bomber, dubbed the "Swamp Ghost," no doubt caused much destruction. However, in 1942, it was brought down by enemy fire during a raid on Japanese forces in Rabaul, New Britain.

The crash site in the jungles of Papua New Guinea was granted decades of rest, and when it was finally discovered in 1972, it was in outstanding condition, carefully covered by the kunai grass and mire. Remarkably, when they explored the cockpit, thermoses of coffee were still intact. The value of such a pristine piece of history is estimated to be around $9 million.

The Antikythera Mechanism, Found in 2,000-Year-Old Shipwreck

@biblioteca.lucianblaga | @SocSciclopedia / Facebook

For over two millennia this ancient astronomy calculator remained in the depths of the Mediterranean Sea; it was only in 1900 when Antikythera, a small Greek island, was explored by divers that this thirty gear complex consisting of hand-cut bronze pieces was revealed. Its creators remain a mystery, and it has taken many years for researchers to fully understand the sophisticated technology behind the Antikythera Mechanism.

Mysterious Figures Seen on Alaskan Shore

YouTube / The Supreme

Not long ago, some Alaskans were surprised to come across inexplicable figures standing in the icy and snow-covered shoreline of Point Woronzof, near Anchorage. Yet, it was soon revealed that these ethereal shapes were in fact an art installation created by Sarah Davies. Motivated by her personal battle with an unidentified illness, Davies crafted more than 85 human-like sculptures that symbolized the "human embodiment of large numbers of difficult encounters with uncertainty," according to Buzzfeed News.

Ancient Mummy In A Buddha Statue


In 1990, researchers hoping to restore the one-thousand-year-old Buddha statue to its former glory ran tests to find out best how to do so. However, their surprise was indescribable when an X-ray of the statue revealed a human skeleton nestled inside. It became evident that the idol was actually an ancient sarcophagus—leading to the decision by the scientists to leave it as an untouched burial place for the long-departed individual.

Perfectly Preserved 1980s Burger King Restaurant


Over its many years of existence, the Concord Mall in Delaware has seen a variety of stores, attractions, and restaurants come and go. During the late 1980s, the mall was home to a Burger King which remained its signature eatery until 2009 when it was closed. However, this BK was not demolished or removed, but instead, it was walled off. Later in the summer of 2022, a picture went around the web of the hidden Burger King with its distinct 1980s style being perfectly preserved.

Studio Apartment Built Under Bridge

Jason Jose/Youtube

Recalling his own childhood memories of secret hideaways, Spanish citizen Fernando Abellanas was inspired to construct a tiny studio apartment beneath a bridge near Valencia. In a feat of impressive engineering, Abellanas created shelving, a chair, a desk, and a bed all integrated into the structure, which can even expand or contract as needed. Astonishingly, a quaint and implementable studio lying in the depths of a bridge is far from the expectation of anyone crossing it.

Mysterious Monoliths Popped Up in 2020


Throughout 2020, mystifying monoliths appeared in Utah, California, Romania, and New Mexico - iconic areas for UFO activity. Measuring 10-12 feet tall, these identical metal slabs were found without any prior warning. The events of 2001: A Space Odyssey were immediately recalled, and to this day, their purpose - art installation, government-sponsored mind control project, strange prank, or even interplanetary intervention - remains uncertain and submerged in mystery.

Third-Century Floor Under The Streets of Rome

Adobe Stock

While excavating to build a new metro line in 2017 beneath Rome, one of the oldest major cities, a range of interesting discoveries were made. Remarkably, the ruins of a luxurious third-century home, destroyed in a fire, were unearthed. Moreover, in the ashes, a 1,800-year-old skeleton of a crouched dog, likely perished in the fire, was found. The remains of the dwelling were exceptionally well-preserved due to the ash, thought to belong to an aristocrat from Celian Hill.

1960s Fallout Shelter, California


In 2013, a couple in Woodland Hills, California made a remarkable discovery when they found a fallout shelter in their newly purchased home, a shelter they had been unaware of when they signed the papers. Within the bunker was a time capsule, brimming with perfectly preserved vintage items like food, bedding, and water; a relic of the tension that had pervaded the world during the tumultuous 1960s, when the possibility of nuclear war filled everyone’s thoughts and some even built fallout shelters in their backyards.

4,500-Year-Old Goddess Statue, Palestine

Pinterest / BBC

While working in the Gaza Strip, farmer Nidal Abu Eid stumbled upon a 4,500-year-old limestone sculpture of Canaan goddess Anat. Known for her beauty, love, and war, this deity had an "inscription of a snake" on its head, an iconic image of her power rooted in history. Experts believe she inspired the Grecian goddess of war, Athena, who is also often surrounded by snake imagery. Clearly, the discovery is a significant one.

Roman Coins Found in Japanese Ruins


At a castle in Okinawa, Japan called Katsuren, a strange discovery was made: the ruins held many Roman and Ottoman coins. Ten of these coins were uncovered by a researcher named Toshio Tsukamoto from Ganoji. Though the excavation of Kasturen started in 2013, the coins were discovered in 2016. Chinese ceramics and coins were also recovered, due to trades with China. This discovery has puzzles archeologists, as they wonder how Roman and Ottoman coins ended up in a southern Japanese castle.

$100,000 In Cash Floating Down River

YouTube / CNN

One man out walking his dog in the U.K. along the Spalding River in November 2013 stumbled upon a most unexpected and lucky find; wads of cash floating in the river! He reported the find to the authorities who recovered $100,000 in cash, with most of the notes still in good condition despite some water damage. Lincolnshire Police then conducted a forensic examination of the money in an effort to find out who it belonged to.

Underwater Skeleton Art Piece, Arizona


After receiving a report of possible human remains in the Colorado River, La Paz County Sheriff's deputies in Arizona joined forces with the Buckskin Fire Department. A diver with a video camera was sent to investigate and discovered two skeletons sitting in lawn chairs in an eerily lifelike pose, with one wearing aviator glasses and a bib, and the other holding a sign that said, “Dream in the River” and a date of August 16, 2014. Though the scene of the two having a pretend tea party was certainly mysterious, the skeletons ultimately turned out to be fake.

Millions of Atari "E.T." Video Games Found In a Landfill

Wikimedia Commons

In 1983, Atari found itself with a monumental failure - their E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial video game had failed to impress, so the company made the decision to conceal millions of copies in an Alamogordo, New Mexico landfill. This mysterious site, known as the 'Atari Dump', became a poignant urban legend. But, in 2014, a dig at the Alamogordo landfill confirmed the truth: the Atari Dump was real, and the video game was deemed so disappointing that burying its excess copies was the only viable option.

New Dead Sea Scrolls Found in Israel

Pinterest / nprpins

The Israeli Antiquities Authority made a surprising discovery during an extensive exploration of the Judean Desert when they uncovered new fragments from the Dead Sea Scrolls - the first of its kind in six decades. These pieces contain excerpts from the book of the twelve minor prophets and form part of the Minor Prophets scroll that was found in the early 1950s. This noteworthy find has survived for thousands of years, primarily due to the warm, dry conditions in which the fragments rested.

WWI Soldier's Love Letters Found In The Attic


Excavating his home, Phil Mathies had an amazing discovery: World War I love letters written in 1918, tucked safely into the attic wall. The letters, penned by Clement to his love Mary, gave a glimpse into the trauma people faced during the War. While Clement's fate was uncertain, Phil was eventually able to track down his family who happily shared the news that he and Mary ended up together after the War.

Hidden Room Inside Couple's Home


A horrifying discovery was made by one couple upon moving to their new home in Logan, Utah: a secret room in the lounge, hidden behind a bookcase. According to the blueprints, this concrete room, which contained only one folding chair, was constructed in the late 1970s. Speculation about the purposes of the room range from it being a dungeon to it being a panic room, although the isolated folding chair remains unexplained.

America's Largest Diamond Found in Arkansas

Lance and Erin Willett / Internetstones

America has had some unexpected diamond discoveries, including the most notable of these finds - the largest diamond ever found in the U.S., the 40.23 carat Uncle Sam. Discovered in Murfreesboro, Arkansas in 1924, the white gemstone with a pink cast was eventually sold for an impressive $150,000 in 1971 to a private collector. Converted to today's standards, the value of Uncle Sam reaches an estimated $1 million, with Arkansas State Parks describing it as a "one in a billion gem".

Bags Filled With $1 Million Found On The Road

YouTube / WTVR

While traveling Virginia, a family spotted two white sacks on the side of the road. Believing them to be trash, they collected them to dispose of properly. Much to their surprise, the bags contained one million dollars! Despite appearing from a mundane source, the money was actually property of the post office, having apparently fallen out of a truck on its way to the bank. The family did the right thing, surrendering the cash to the sheriff's office.

Tunnel System Found Under Home in Italy


In 2020, a homeowner in Southern Italy purchased a two-bathroom, six-bedroom house and was shocked to find a real-life Bat Cave below it. Although listed as "storage" and "dining room" on the deed plan, the subterranean system proved to span thousands of square feet with three levels. Much to his dismay, though, the house was infested with bats, making it difficult for the homeowner to explore the mysterious, creepy find.

One-of-a-Kind Antiques Found in New York Attic

Thierry Anglès/LinkedIn

When David Whitcomb purchased a building in Geneva, New York in December of 2020, he initially believed it was only going to serve as a legal office. It was only after exploring it with a friend that they found a hidden attic storing valuable and historical antiques that had been untouched for decades. The attic's former inhabitant? None other than photographer James Hale. Within this space, Whitcomb uncovered original prints of iconic figures such as Susan B. Anthony.

Earthen Rings Found in The Amazon


The Amazon is the largest jungle on Earth and is rife with secrets. The home of over 4,700 animal species, it also hosts unique and mysterious circles in its terrain, nicknamed the Amazon Rings. Carbon-dating on the rings has proven they predate the Amazon rainforest itself. It's unlikely ancient peoples built these rings, as that would damage the terrain, yet the origin of this peculiar phenomenon is, as of yet, unexplained.

"City of Giants" Unearthed in Ethiopia


Through local legends about a “city of giants,” archaeologists set out to investigate an ancient site in Harlaa, Ethiopia. What they found on their expedition was an abundance of archaeological evidence pointing to this city having been a bustling trade hub between Asia and East Africa. Artifacts such as rock crystal, glass vessels, glass beads, cowry shells, carnelian, and pottery from China, India, and Egypt were discovered, leading the researchers to conclude that the city was truly a cosmopolitan destination.

Reservoir of Hidden Water Found On Mars


In 2021, Zhurong, a Chinese space probe, descended and landed in the exact same location as NASA's Viking 2 lander - Utopia Planitia, a plain in the northern hemisphere of Mars. While Zhurong is still orbiting Mars for the purpose of discovering ancient life, it was reported back to researchers the discovery of wet minerals within the Utopia Planitia Basin. This exciting revelation points to a potential of life on Mars, whether it be presently or in the past.

Original Declaration of Independence Found in a Thrift Store


At a Pennsylvania flea market, an avid collector made a brilliant find—a print of the Declaration of Independence that had been concealed inside the “dismal” painting he purchased for just $4. After having it verified, it was established that it was the first printing of this important historical document, and the auction held for it in 1991 resulted in its valuation at a whopping $1 million ($2.18 million by today's standards).

Medieval Well Found While Renovating a Home


As they were trying to determine the cause of the slant in their living room, a British couple made a truly remarkable discovery! Beneath the floorboards, they found an ancient thirty-three-foot-deep well dating back to the medieval era. It was constructed in the 1500s as part of an aqueduct system set up by Sir Francis Drake, stretching from Plymouth to Dartmouth. The homeowners then sealed the well with a trapdoor and illuminated it to showcase their extraordinary find.

600-Pound Safe Found in a New York Field

Town of Barre, NY Community/Facebook

Kirk Mathes discovered a 600-pound metal safe in the center of an agricultural field in NY. No one knew who put it there, when, or why, but it had to have been transported by heavy-duty machinery. A note on the safe said, “If you open it, you can keep what’s inside,” but Mathes doesn’t want to open it, seeing the mystery as a way of providing a fun distraction from everyday life. When asked who he believed put the safe there, the farmer merely said it had to be some “jokers” and “wise guys."

$4 Million Chunk of Quartz, Arkansas


At the Smithsonian Museum, you'll find an incredible eight-thousand-pound lump of quartz, known as the Berns Quartz. This extraordinary stone was discovered in 2016 in a mine in Arkansas and now makes up part of the National Gem and Minerals Collection at the museum. Rare clusters such as this one have a value in the millions, due to forming in the Ouachita Mountains millions of years ago.

Underwater Stonehenge, Lake Michigan


While exploring the waters of Lake Michigan, archaeologists made an amazing discovery. With the help of remote sensors, they found a structure similar to Stonehenge located forty feet below the surface of Grand Traverse Bay. This is an incredible find as people still do not have an explanation for how the famous prehistoric structure at Stonehenge was built. In addition, the scientists also found a pier from the Civil War, as well as a number of sunken boats and automobiles.

Nanotechnology Found In Ancient Roman Cup

Wikimedia Commons

The incredibly unique Lycurgus Cup, dating back 1,600 years, is an ancient Roman chalice depicting Thrace’s King Lycurgus. Upon further investigation, it was uncovered that this fascinating piece is far more complex than it seems - due to its unique composition of precious metals. It has the ability to alter electrons, causing the cup to emit an emerald hue when illuminated from the front, yet turn blood red when lit from behind.

Iron Sphere Found In Bosnia


This 35-ton, 10-foot-wide sphere, unearthed in 2016 near Zavidovici, Bosnia, has piqued the curiosity of academics everywhere—was it formed naturally, or crafted by a lost civilization? Semir Osmanagich, the man behind the discovery, was jokingly given the title of the "Bosnian Indiana Jones." If it is indeed man-made, then that would make it the biggest such structure in Europe, suggesting the existence of an advanced ancient society whose secrets have been lost to time. Additionally, the high iron content of the possibly-man-made boulder is potentially highly valuable.

Action Comics #1 Hidden Behind a Wall, Minnesota


When David Gonzales began renovating his Minnesota home, he had no idea what he would find: a copy of Action Comics #1, which introduced Superman to the DC universe. This comic book currently holds a considerable value for collectors, and Gonzales’ version was in great condition, netting him close to $200,000. It is amazing to think that the house’s original builders had been using it, along with other papers, to insulate their walls since 1938.

Gold Coins Found Inside Piano, England


When Bishops Castle Community College sent an old piano to be repaired by a tuner, no one was expecting a massive hoard of gold he found hidden inside it. The 913 coins, thought to be worth up to $600,000 altogether, had been concealed there by a former owner who never returned to retrieve them. Due to the discovery being classified as “treasure” under Coroner’s Court of Shrewsbury, the College and tuner were able to split the proceeds.

1700s Cemetery Unearthed In New Orleans


A homeowner out of the oldest neighborhood in New Orleans' French Quarter discovered a graveyard with thirteen caskets when he was digging in his backyard. Although he suspected he would "find something", he wasn't expecting the discovery to be human remains. This find, which could potentially prove the elief that New Orleans is one of America's most haunted cities, is both unique and spooky as it is the first ever graveyard in the area, dating all the way back to the 1700s.