Brides Reveal Wedding Traditions That Haven’t Stood the Test of Time

Dollar Dances Are Pure Idiocy 


“Jeez…Who thought drunk men attaching money with sharp, pointed objects to a costly, delicate dress was a good idea? And that’s the good part. I first heard of this & saw it in 1991.

I couldn’t even comprehend the explanation I was given, and then I saw it. Truly, it’s one of the tackiest things I’ve ever seen. The bride covered in paper money while male relatives cajole & ridicule guests into pinning larger bills to the bride’s dress.

If guests want to give money as a wedding gift they will. They don’t need to be coerced into buying time with the bride. Well, maybe some brides, but I mean really…what’s next? $100 bills in the bride’s garter? I just…can’t.” Story credit: Quora / Laurie Parks

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