Brides Reveal Wedding Traditions That Haven’t Stood the Test of Time

I Don’t Want to Be the Center of Attention


“I’m definitely not opposed to MARRIAGE. Of course I wouldn’t have a child with someone I wasn’t married to.

But the idea of spending that much money, time, and energy planning a party doesn’t really appeal to me — especially since I know I probably wouldn’t get to talk to the guests for more than a few minutes each.

I also don’t like being the center of attention, and think I would find spending a whole day having everyone ooh and aah over me to be exhausting. Like, if I’m crushing it at a basketball game, I don’t mind people cheering for me and chanting at me for that hour.

If I’m doing a live show, I don’t mind being in front of the audience… But in those cases, I’m the center of attention because I’m doing something I love, not because I’ve found someone to love…” Story credit: Quora / Eva Glasrud

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