He Couldn’t Decide

My boyfriend was friends with a guy who was getting a quickie marriage and needed witnesses. We agreed and went inside the little reception room, where the preacher, bride, and the groom were lined up waiting on us.
The preacher started his thing and I noticed a woman come in and lean against the back wall. She looked peeved, standing with her arms crossed. Preacher: “Is there anyone here today who objects to the union of **** and ****? Please, speak now.” The couple looked back at us and we both smiled.
Suddenly, the bride’s attention turned to the woman in the back of the room. Bride: “What the heck is she doing here?!” The woman quickly raises her hand, looking at the old preacher.
Woman: “I object! I don’t agree with this marriage!” The bride glares at her. Bride: “Shut up! Wait your turn! It’s my scheduled day! You’re just mad you didn’t think of it first!” The woman had to be dragged out of the room, kicking and screaming and spitting at the bride.
After the reception, I learned the whole crazy story. Apparently, this guy was originally in a relationship with the bride. After ten years together, he started sleeping with her sister, the woman.
They were close sisters, but eventually, both ladies got pregnant by him simultaneously. They fought each other like cats and dogs for the next several years until the two cousins became school-aged and best friends.
Neither one of the sisters would give up the man and he wasn’t sure which one he loved more, so he kept seeing both women. Last I heard they were all still together, but the two sisters had teamed up to take down his pregnant mistress. Story credit: Reddit / redhourglass8