Let’s Party!

A friend of mine was getting married to a guy she had previously dated but broke off the relationship because one night he was drunk and tried to choke her. They were apart for a couple of years (he supposedly cleaned up), and then started dating again.
This guy was bad news. He would talk smack about her all the time, make her cry and stuff, but she kept dating him. The worst I ever saw him treat her was after I’d already received their wedding invitation in the mail.
I was out with my girlfriend when we see Mr. Toxic sitting at the bar, kissing some random woman. I whip out the phone and start filming. I go over to my friends’ house. Mr. Toxic’s car isn’t there, so I show her the video.
She breaks down and says she says she doesn’t want to marry him, but feels obligated because all the reservations are already made. I’m like, okay she’s never going to end. That’s when I came up with an ingenious plan. I go see her dad. He’s a hulking 6’4″ Harley rider with a handlebar mustache.
When I show him the video, veins start showing up on his forehead. Before I left, he asked if I could send him the video. I’m like, “Of course.” The next day he calls me up and tells me that the wedding is going to now be a “Dodging A Bullet ceremony with maybe a butt-kicking for the finale.”
I told him that I would be more than happy to attend. Apparently, dad told my friend he’d never let her marry Mr. Toxic and they hatched an amazing revenge plan. The day of the ceremony, Dad had a huge flat screen TV plugged in at the venue.
When dad and daughter got to the end of the aisle, the flat screen with surround sound came on and the video played. Mr. Toxic was pasty white, sweating profusely. He did the perp walk down the center aisle, caught my eye with me giving him the finger too.
When he leaves, Dad says, “Let’s Party!” It was amazing. We had a great night. My friend danced her butt off and laughed a lot overall. About six months later, she met the man of her dreams. Just a really fantastic guy. The wedding is this September. Story credit: Reddit / DeanSmartin