Three-Day Wedding

During a three-day wedding, the first night had a raging party. Everyone had just really good clean fun. Nobody was heinously drunk or dramatic, the food was awesome, the servers were hilarious, and the music was the perfect volume and style.
Truly a once in a lifetime kind of party and everyone had an absolute blast from the 90-year-old grandpa to the one-year-old toddler. But we didn’t know what was coming. Next day was the wedding. The bride and groom are coming separately to the church, but the groom is late.
He’s stuck in traffic because of an accident, but he’ll be there. He’s all ready and tux-ed up so it’s literally just up to him to slide into the church and get to the altar. He was nervous standing there because he’d been so late—45 minutes—because of the accident but whatever, he’s there now.
Bride is stunning and doesn’t care that things are delayed as nothing can ruin this day. They say their I dos and start to walk back down the aisle. Groom slams to the floor, dead before he hits it. Massive aneurysm took him out. But that’s not the worst part.
The traffic he hit on the way there was a result of the bride’s grandparents in a car accident, and they too had passed. Story credit: Reddit / higginsnburke