Weddings That Made Couples Say “I Don’t” Instead of “I Do”

Previewing the Location


College friends of mine were both from pretty fancy families back east. She had been raised by her mom and stepdad, who sprang for the wedding and reception at their extra posh country club.

Her dad and stepmom were also fancy people, but basically disinterested parties in the whole event UNTIL two days before the ceremony, when stepmom showed up to “preview” the location.

She was aghast—shocked!—about the condition of the wooden chairs the country club supplied for guests to sit on during the ceremony. So much so that she contacted the grounds department and demanded that the chairs be painted before the event. She offered to pay. This backfired horribly. 

When the guests stood up after the ceremony finished, they all had parallel horizontal stripes on their good clothes from the not-dry fresh paint. Story credit: Reddit / benzodiazaqueen

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