Total Bridezilla

I have a friend who took out a $7,500 loan for her wedding. Then she asked her fiancé to take out a $25,000 loan. (Forced him, really, by saying she’d leave him if he didn’t.) He had much better credit and he got the loan. Then she begged his parents to pay for their honeymoon.
His parents were completely unaware that she had asked their son to take out a loan for the wedding. They thought her parents were paying for a modest outside wedding at a local garden and she repeatedly lied to them until a few weeks before the wedding.
She kept threatening to leave her fiancé if he didn’t do things the way she wanted them done. Anyway, his parents were so happy to pay for a cruise for their honeymoon. A really, really nice Alaskan cruise. Guess what? Well, lo and behold, that wasn’t enough for this Bridezilla.
She then lied to her own parents, saying that his parents were only giving them $250 for the honeymoon. Her parents were shocked by this as they were paying for the wedding and reception and thought the groom’s family would at least pay for some of the honeymoon.
They encouraged her to get a better job (she worked 20 hours a week as a receptionist at a nail salon) or to at least go full time at her current job and she flat out refused, saying that she had so much to do in planning for the wedding/honeymoon, etc.
She was an absolute nightmare. They got divorced 14 months after the wedding. Story credit: Reddit / sojadedblond