Weddings That Made Couples Say “I Don’t” Instead of “I Do”

Simmering Tensions


I was at a large hotel and there was a good size wedding reception in the bar area. After a couple of drinks, I decided to use the restroom. I went into a stall and a bouquet of flowers was shoved into the toilet. I turned around to see a few guys who looked to be groomsmen and nicely dressed guests.

I said that someone had shoved a bouquet in the toilet. One of the men proclaimed in a stereotypical gay accent, “Oh no he didn’t!” I then saw the group storm out. I went ahead and used another stall and washed up. When I returned to the bar area, my jaw dropped. 

There was a complete full-on brawl happening. People were beating the heck out of each other, throwing stuff, screaming. It poured out to the parking area, and then the authorities showed up. Several people were detained and I saw the poor bride crying her eyes out. This was in the middle of Wisconsin.

These people all looked very attractive, healthy, suburban, upper-middle-class families. It was very surprising as I saw them all celebrating together before. But clearly there were simmering tensions… Story credit: Reddit / xXUpgraDDeXx

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