When Average Workdays Take a Turn For the Weird

Got My Eye on You


I work in an office and thought it would be funny to put googly eyes on my coworkers desk one day. Everyone had a good laugh over it and a couple weeks I found googly eyes on all my stuff. It became a game of who could arrange googlys on peoples desk in the most creative/funny manner.

It was hilarious.. Then one of the adjacent departments caught wind of the good times we were having and started doing the same.

Cue a month later and there are googly eyes EVERYWHERE. It was absurd. On the drinking fountains, clocks, vending machines, garbage cans, toilets, you name it, there were googly eyes littered all over the goshdarn place.

The custodians started complaining that they couldnt keep up with the mess. Visiting customers would look around at the googly spectacle in disbelief of the unprofessionalism.

The head managers had to hold team meetings to talk to all the teams about removing all googly eyes.. and of course since I started it, any time a rogue googly eye popped up months later, I got a stern look from my boss.

The day that I quit there (or get fired, more likely), there will be an unleashing of googly eyes that will be unrivalled. People will be swimming through piles of googly eyes just to get to their completely googly eye covered desks.

The vents will be spitting out plastic eyeballs of all shapes and sizes. People will open their lunches they brought from home and gasp in shock as they find nothing but little beady shaky eyes looking up from their tupperware. There. Will. Be. GOOGLY EYES. Story credit: Reddit / Jaydeeem89

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