When Average Workdays Take a Turn For the Weird

Who You Gonna Call?


I worked in a small office. There was a front lobby area with a conference room off to the side. It was separated by a door from the rest of the office. So I’m sitting at my desk, just working, and I hear screaming from the front lobby area, like straight up someone is being murdered screaming.

Everyone in the office area is freaking out, assuming there was a robbery or something horrible happening in the front. I hear someone shrieking for help, so I’m like okay this is clearly not a dangerous situation, it must be a medical emergency or something like that.

I tell one of my coworkers to call 911. I proceed to open the door quietly and walk towards the lobby. I do not see anyone, even the receptionist, but the screaming is still going on from inside the conference room.

I slowly open the door and find about 8 people on top of the table, including the owners of the company and a couple clients. I’m just staring at them, seriously confused about what I just walked into.

I look down and see a tiny little field mouse hopping around in circles around the table. I picked the little guy up and became the hero of the day. 911 dispatched a couple of police officers over a tiny mouse. My raise that year was substantially higher than usual. Story credit: Reddit / raven_darkseid

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