When Your Crush Turns Out To Be The Worst Person You’ve Ever Met

Rude For What?


I was somewhat friends with my crush because we sat next to each other, but outside that I would only see him with his own friend group. I was really digging him—until I saw how he talked to people who were not his friends. He was always rude and uninterested.

I was kinda shocked because of how I always saw him, he was always outgoing and nice. The way he treated teachers too, he never paid attention and was disrespectful.

I’m all for hating a teacher that is harsh for no reason, but this dude was so rude to the English teacher who everyone liked when she was so sweet.

She ended up crying because he made fun of her that bad, while his friend group laughed. I stopped being friends and stopped having a crush on him after that. Story Credit: Reddit/Jake_looser

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