When Your Crush Turns Out To Be The Worst Person You’ve Ever Met

Secret Crush


I had an awful crush on a guy. We had been friends since middle school. He carried me to the nurse’s office when I hurt my knee playing kickball, and was as rabid about video games as I am. He was also, aside from being pretty good-looking, a hilarious guy.

Sure, we teased each other mercilessly, but it was all in jest, and started to become an inside joke. That being said, he always seemed to be with someone. He always dated within our circle of friends, which was basically a dozen or so girls and a couple guys.

Soon it was as if almost everyone had been with him except me. And, because I was incredibly shy around guys romantically, I didn’t say anything. Sure, I dropped my hints, but I wasn’t going to jump into his lap.

So I would sit next to him secretly fuming as he flirted with girls he wasn’t with, and I even gave him relationship advice a couple of times. But I never got anything aside from, “you looked fabulous at prom, by the way.” To this day, he still doesn’t know. We now go to rival schools.

Part of me wishes that I’d told him. But I’m also kind of glad that I didn’t, because he was honestly probably not a great choice, given his lengthy relationship history. Story Credit: Reddit/N_sheppard

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