When Your Crush Turns Out To Be The Worst Person You’ve Ever Met

Just Another Notch On The Bedpost


This guy had shown interest in me and I was getting a crush, but as we talked more, he felt more and more like a player to me. Mind you we were both going to high school and his other relationships were obviously nothing serious, but I don’t like it when someone plays with girls.

He just kept bringing up his exes and it started to weird me out. But this was just the beginning. Every girl I met that went out with him spoke horribly about him, which I never really understood because he was overall an ok dude.

I don’t think he necessarily wanted to make them feel bad, but the converstation he had with me was an instant turn off for me. I thought to myself, “Well after a couple months I’ll just become another in a long line of pseudo girlfriends, and I don’t need that right now.”

I wasn’t in the best place mentally at the time, either. There was no confession of feelings on either parts and when he saw I stopped responding to the romantic advances, he stopped insisting. We remained friends for a couple years, and when we left high school we each went our merry ways and lost contact.

He wasn’t a bad guy, but I felt like I didn’t want to become part of the long quest he had for whatever he was seeking. For once I chose to put my mental health first, and I thought that kind of relationship wouldn’t do good for it. Story Credit: Reddit/Nopenopecho

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