When Your Crush Turns Out To Be The Worst Person You’ve Ever Met

No Chance For You


In high school, I had a silly crush on a girl I hardly ever talked to. It lasted for as long as we went to high school together. We weren’t even friends, or acquaintances. I just thought she was great in every way possible.

We talked very seldom, and I remember only one instance in particular where we talked for more than ten minutes. Then I went off to college, dated other girls, fell in love a couple of times and lived life. We never talked once in this time, because like I said, we weren’t even friends.

I did think of her every now and then, though, but just as a memory of someone I knew in high school. At a random party, about five years later, I saw this girl again and we talked briefly.

Immediately, I was reminded of everything wonderful I felt toward her. But that was fleeting, and we didn’t exchange numbers or anything. Two or three more years passed and I somehow came across her on Facebook. I added her as a friend. I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

She immediately started talking to me as if we had known each other for years, though I was expecting her to not even remember who I was. And then, for the first time ever, we actually hung out. Then we hung out more.

And it’s like the last seven or eight years somehow had fueled some subconscious crush on this girl in her absence, and us hanging out set the spark and I went mad with infatuation. I couldn’t stop thinking about her, and our friendship turned out to be really awesome and long overdue.

As I tried to muster up the courage to finally take the next step toward rejection, I was met with a pre-rejection rejection by news of her beginning to date another guy. My silly little dreams were shattered, but my crush seemed to linger on.

We continued to hang out on the rare occasion that we both had time, we live hours away from one another and I looked forward to those moments more than anything else. This whole Facebook leading to getting back in touch and becoming friends thing happened just last year.

Embarrassingly enough, my crush remains. It’s pathetic. I’m miserable. We haven’t hung out in a while, and that’s probably for the best. I would call this the worst crush I’ve ever had because I’m not 15 years old, I’m 26 years old now and this makes me feel like a teenager again.

I also can’t seem to get over it, no matter where I go, who I meet, how busy I am, or what I do. I know it will go away, I just need to find a way to fill my time until it does. Story Credit: Reddit/BukkRogerrs

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