When Your Crush Turns Out To Be The Worst Person You’ve Ever Met



I went on a date with my high school crush. At first, I thought my dreams had come true. It turned out more like a nightmare. He immediately became very aggressive towards me whenever I looked away or tried to talk about the things I like.

He only wanted me to talk about him, to him, and to be as quiet as possible around him and his friends. Turns out, he was into “submissive girls.” He made me feel humiliated after just a couple hours with him.

I lost my interest, but I was very disappointed because my vision of him was a totally different person. I created a different version of him in my mind, and that’s the person I fell for. This was a long time ago and fortunately, I managed to escape him. He only got worse after high school.

Now we’re both adults and he was twice charged, first for beating his girlfriend and second for harassing a high school girl. He was very good looking though and still is but his behavior is just yuck. Story Credit: Reddit/Crsamuray26

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