When Your Crush Turns Out To Be The Worst Person You’ve Ever Met

Sweet Tooth


In 6th grade, I had a crush on the prettiest girl in school. We were actually pretty good friends but I had a huge crush on her. It was becoming a problem. Well her birthday came around and I thought it to be a good idea to get her something.

So I go to the mall and buy her some like Bath and Body Works lotion and perfume. I go home and wrap it all up in a gift bag. Then the next day I wake up super nervous to give her this gift but I was sure after I gave it to her that we would fall in love and get married.

I walk into school later that morning and meet her at her locker to give her the present. I give it to her, get a hug, which made it all worth it and continue on with my day.

Later on, I get home and my mom asks how it went. I tell her great and she asked how she liked the gift, which I didn’t know because I wasn’t there when she opened it. Well, this is when my world exploded. My mom then asked me, “Do you think she’ll like the candy?”

Confused I asked, “What candy?” Turns out, my mom emptied a bag of jelly beans into the gift bag without telling me. Not even all different types of candy, just opened one of those giant bags of Jelly Beans and poured it into the bag. I wanted to die.

The next day I was so embarrassed and nervous to see my crush, but when I saw her she just thanked me and said she loved everything. I felt a flood of relief—but the truth came out eventually. Fast forward to high school and I’m still good friends with this girl and that day gets brought up.

Turns out she thought the Jelly Beans were the weirdest thing she ever saw. It definitely ended any romantic thoughts she might have had about me. All my fears were confirmed. At least I was able to explain what happened and that my mom had been behind the jelly beans.

We laughed about it and she just made fun of me about it for a while. Sometimes I still cringe when I think about it. Thanks mom. I wish I was still close with her, she’s still beautiful and even went on to become a cheerleader for an NFL team.

So basically I gave an NFL cheerleader the weirdest gift she has ever gotten and she made fun of me about it behind my back for years, and then to my face for a couple more years. Story Credit: Reddit/ASAProxys

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