When Your Crush Turns Out To Be The Worst Person You’ve Ever Met

Baby Business


The sister of a girl I had a years-long crush on in school worked at a restaurant with me when I was 16 years old. As awkward as it felt, I soon developed a strong attraction to her as well.

I remember feeling this amazing elation at even the smallest little things, when she’d talk to me, and when the planets would align and we would both happen to be closing on the same night.

On those nights, she would sometimes offer to drive me home. Being a year or so older she already had a car, and she knew it was a long walk for me. I made the mistake of allowing myself to think that she might be interested, and not just a friendly, generous person. That was a recipe for disaster.

One of those nights, we walked out to her car and as I was getting in, I noticed the child seat in the back which I had never seen there before. At that point, I guess I was pretty naive and sheltered.

I would hear stories and rumors about high school kids getting pregnant, but I had never known anyone in that situation before. I certainly had no idea that she had a child, and I felt like my whole worldview was crumbling. Not only was she totally not available, she was a mom.

I handled it very poorly. As the confused river of thoughts was raging through my head, I didn’t say much for the entire ride home. I guess my shock was pretty visible as she noticed and commented on it. I felt terrible, but I really had no idea what to say. Story Credit: Reddit/Darkbeanie

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