When Your Crush Turns Out To Be The Worst Person You’ve Ever Met

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I really fancied a girl at school for several years. I was the weird geeky one, before geeky was in any way acceptable let alone cool, and she was right in the “it crowd.” She called my house one night to ask something about a homework thing she was having trouble with. I made sure she regretted it.

Immediately, I offered to come to her place and go through it with her. She said no, there was no need to do that, but I basically refused to take no for an answer, said I’d be right over and hung up.

She lived two towns over, so I jumped on my bike, rode to the train station, went three stops, and cycled to her house. The trip would have been about half an hour. She answered the door looking confused and nervous. I was out of breath and sweaty.

Her older sister stood behind her looking wary and protective. She let me in, I helped with the problem, then finally sensing that I wasn’t welcome, I left and went home. Dear god, if I could go back in time and punch one person, it would be teenage me. Story Credit: Reddit/Lagoon83

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