When Your Crush Turns Out To Be The Worst Person You’ve Ever Met



In my mid-20s, I had known my crush for quite a while. She seemed really nice, was quite intelligent and friendly, everyone liked her. She would sometimes be kind of flaky with some weird excuses when we were supposed to meet, whether casually or professionally, but I gave her the benefit of the doubt.

Maybe that’s why I never realized the truth about her. Then one day, we had to work on a project together. It wasn’t something too serious so I told her I can do it on my own since it’s not a lot of work.

She insisted that we split the work so I agreed. I did my part and she was late with hers with some strange excuses revolving around getting stuck on it and needing to spend some extra time fixing parts of it. Finally, she submitted it. I took one look, and my stomach dropped.

She straight up copied it all and didn’t even bother changing the original author’s name from the documents. I confronted her about it saying that I literally suggested I do it on my own for the both of us instead of splitting the work.

She denied everything, even when I mentioned it’s not her name on the documents, she said she was just using some reference materials and must have accidentally copied it as is. Needless to say, I refused to work with her professionally ever again.

Luckily she didn’t stick around for long afterward anyway. I brought it up shortly after with a mutual friend who straight up laughed and said that it sounds like her alright. Apparently, this girl lies so much that she’s reached the point where she believes the lies.

Pretty much stopped talking to her altogether after that. I couldn’t trust her not to screw us both over professionally, and I imagine a personal relationship would go even worse. Story Credit: Reddit/TurboStalin

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