When Your Crush Turns Out To Be The Worst Person You’ve Ever Met

It Wasn’t Meant To Be


I had a crush on my ex-coworker who ended up becoming a good friend. She’s beautiful and super talented. I did a lot of stuff for her.

I gave her moral support to switch to a job that would make her happy even though it would force her to leave the city I was in. I took her up North on a surprise nighttime trip to show her the stars since living in the big city, we rarely get to see them.

I found a rare record of Marvin Gaye and spent 12 hours on a bus ride just to see her for five minutes as she had her first big art show in the biggest city in the country. Then I had to hop back on the bus quickly since I had to go back to work the next day.

I took her to the hospital when her terrible ex-boyfriend couldn’t have cared less. In return, even though it was expensive for her, she would spend a lot of money flying coast to coast to visit me for a couple days. The buskers in the subway sometimes played violin and we would dance to it.

We would go out to concerts and dance our faces off. I organized the “Best Chocolates of NYC” tour so that she could devour artistic creations she would never get in her town.

I also spent weeks ahead of time perfecting a recipe for a surprise picnic at Central Park. And of course, we always had those great moments. We’d stare into each others eyes, smile, and just laugh. Alas she liked another guy and that was that. Four years, down the drain.

No, I don’t look for pity, sympathy, or even a cold bucket of water. I know it was stupid to like someone for that long, to put in so much for someone who wasn’t a girlfriend. But hey, you live and you learn. Story Credit: Reddit/Loveinatrashcan

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