Welfare Check On Regular
We have a regular customer who I had to request a welfare check on this morning. She is the sweetest old lady that we deliver to. Maybe 75-80 years old. She never tips well but no one cares. She’s in a wheelchair and has the cutest little Corgi named Frazier. She always tells us about her great-grandchildren and how well they are doing.
For privacy, I’ll call her Sarah. She orders pizza three or four times a week, and always the same thing. This is the first time she has not answered the door in the two years that I have been there. I called her twice, no answer, and even walked in the front door to see if she was there. I didn’t want to go wandering around her house though, so I just went back out the front door, closed it, and called dispatch.
I hope she’s all right. But all I can imagine is her somewhere in her house having fallen down and not been able to get back up.
Story credit: Reddit / (Roarkyuubi1)