
Woman Catches Uber Not Realizing That Driver Has Been Waiting For Her

Woman Catches Uber Not Realizing That Driver Has Been Waiting For Her April 26, 2022Leave a comment

She felt as if her eyes were playing tricks on her. She rubbed her eyes and looked at the destination again. She felt confused about what she was looking at. She inquired as to what the woman was doing in town.

A smile spread on the woman in the backseat's face as she shared that she would visit her boyfriend. She had not seen him in months, and she was ecstatic. But that did not answer as to why they were heading to that apartment in particular.

Her Soulmate

YouTube Aaliyah Molyneaux

Alicia McIntyre and her boyfriend Liam lived a picture-perfect life. Alicia and Liam had been dating since she was a freshman in college, and they both recently graduated.

They shared many experiences with one another. Alicia saw a future with Liam. He was the person who she saw herself growing old with. Something would put her principles in question, even if she didn't realize it.

Everything She Ever Wanted

Twitter / Msixelaa

Alicia and Liam had been together for a few years now, and things were going really well between them. There had been an instant attraction between the pair. The couple began dating after an unexpected meeting. From that moment on, they shared everything.

Liam was a gentle man who was ambitious and driven. She knew that she could take him home to her family, and he was also marriage material. However, she was mistaken.

Lack Of Time

Twitter / Msixelaa

Even though Alicia and Liam had a great relationship, it was not all sunshine and rainbows. One issue the pair continuously struggled with was not spending enough time together. They were both career-driven, Liam worked many hours to climb the ranks at his job, and Alicia always worked multiple jobs.

The couple tried their best to work with what little time they did have together. Alicia also tried to figure out a way in which she could spend more time with Liam.

Finding Her Feet

Dom Aguiar on Unsplash

Liam and Alicia lived on opposite ends of Jersey City and faced many hardships after graduating college.

Alicia's parents let her find her feet after college for a few months, but then they decided that they would no longer provide her with as much financial support. Alicia needed to find a way to make more money, so she took a job as an Uber driver. Thanks to this job, she saw Liam's true colors.


Twitter / Msixelaa

Even though Alicia and Liam rarely spent time together, their relationship was doing exceptionally well. Things were going swimmingly… Until Liam got a phone call, that is.

Liam's mother had been ill for many months, and things took a turn for the worst. The news broke Liam's heart, and he instantly booked a flight to go spend some time with his mother. There was a possibility that she did not have much time left. Alicia felt awful that her partner had to go through something as horrible as this and did her best to comfort him.

She Was There For Him

Twitter / Msixelaa

Alicia was set to start her job as an Uber driver the following day, but she chose to stay up with Liam so that she could support him. She barely slept, but she needed to get to work.

Liam's flight was that morning, so she gave him a big hug goodbye, and they both went their separate ways. They were both oblivious to what that day had in store for them.

Tough Times

Twitter / Msixelaa

From the moment Liam walked out of the door that morning, Alicia missed him. Her eyes began filling with tears. The couple barely had time together, and now he was gone for the foreseeable future. She took a deep sigh and started working just so that she could keep her mind busy.

She was blissfully unaware of what secrets would be revealed with her first passenger on her first day of work.

A Great Start

YouTube / The Rideshare Hub

Alicia made her way to the airport. The business was usually great there during all hours of the day. As soon as her phone notified her that there was someone needing a ride, she responded.

Somebody needed a ride into the city. Alicia felt excited for her first day, especially because it started off so well. Alicia accepted the client's request and made her way to her location.

Her First Client

Twitter / Msixelaa

Alicia's first client was a gorgeous woman who looked elegant and composed. As soon as she arrived, Alicia stepped out of the car and greeted the woman, exchanged a few words as she helped with her luggage, and then made their way to her destination.

"What brings you to town?" Alicia politely asked the woman. The girl's cheeks flushed red as she said, "Someone special." This made Alicia's heart warm, which is not something she usually feels with strangers.

Deep In Thought

Twitter / Msixelaa

With the woman’s destination already set by the navigation system, Alicia began to drive. Her passenger was very talkative, excitedly explaining that she was from out of town and that she was here to visit her boyfriend.

Alicia’s heart dropped as she began to miss Liam again. She was deep in thought when when her passenger asked if she could play some music.

The Beauty Of Jersey City

YouTube / J Utah

Alicia passed the girl, who’d introduced herself as Tracy, her car’s aux cord. Tracy jacked her phone in and selected a romantic playlist.

The songs dug deep into Alicia, reminding her once again of Liam. “I haven’t seen my man in a long time. I miss him,” Tracy said, pulling Alicia out of her thoughts. “Mine’s out of town. I miss him too,” Alicia answered. Although it was nice to relate on this level, something felt odd.

Wrong Turn?

Twitter / Msixelaa

The route Alicia took was leading her to her boyfriend’s neighborhood. She looked out the window, seeing familiar landmarks around them.

Did she unconsciously take the wrong turn because of how much she missed Liam? When picking up Tracy, she’d only glanced at the destination on her phone. She rechecked it now, and her jaw dropped.

Did I Make A Mistake?

Twitter / Msixelaa

Alicia plucked her phone from the phone holder and refreshed the page. What would Tracy say when she found out Alicia had taken her down the wrong route?

Alicia could not let her five-star streak suffer any blemishes. She restarted her phone, feigning calmness. She glanced at the rearview mirror to see if Tracy knew what was happening. What she saw made her brows draw together.

The Music Takes Over

YouTube J Utah

Tracy was bobbing her head to the music. She was either unaware of what was happening or sure of the route they were taking.

Alicia checked her phone after it restarted and saw she was indeed on the right path. She smiled nervously, hoping they weren’t lost. But when she double-checked Tracy’s destination, she almost stopped the car.


Twitter / Msixelaa

The destination was an apartment complex - one that Alicia was all too familiar with. But the woman didn’t know the exact apartment number, so she called her boyfriend to confirm it.

As Alicia drove up to the gates, she couldn’t help but feel uneasy. What were the chances that the woman’s boyfriend lived in the same apartment complex as Liam?

His Apartments

Laconic Productions

What are the odds? Alicia grinned to herself. She wished Liam was home so they could talk, even if it was for a minute.

She decided she would call Liam immediately after dropping Tracy at her destination. The gates to the apartments slid open, and as they were driving by the flats, Tracy mentioned something that snared Alicia’s attention.

A Strange Turn

YouTube J Utah

Alicia and her passenger began counting down the building numbers until, finally, they had reached the right one. Alicia was stunned to see it was even the same apartment building that Liam lived in in the complex - the very one she had left early this morning.

It was a startling coincidence that made her miss him even more. Then, she spotted something even more chilling.



“He’s home!” Tracy exclaimed. “That’s his car right there.” Alicia looked closely, “What?” she asked. “His car, right there,” Tracy repeated.

Alicia could see the car. The only problem was that it couldn't have been Tracy’s boyfriend’s car because it belonged to Liam. But that’s not what shocked her the most.

No Longer A Coincidence

YouTube Aaliyah Molyneaux

Alicia looked over at the parking spaces in front of the building and saw something that made her blood run cold. She slammed on the brakes and took a closer look.

Alicia’s worst fears were realized as she read the car’s number plate. There was no doubt what was going on now.

e Lied To Her

YouTube ThePrinceFamily

The car was indeed her boyfriend’s - the one he had driven to the airport that very morning. So he had lied to her about going to see his mom? Her blood was beginning to boil.

She took a deep breath and counted to five. Not wanting to cause a scene, she decided to confront Liam after the passenger had left. But what she saw next made her snap.

No Way

YouTube ThePrinceFamily

After they parted ways in the early hours of the morning, Liam had driven off to New York to see his sick mother. He was to spend his night in the hospital.

But as Alicia grappled with the reality of things, Liam strolled out of the door. He was smiling at Tracy, waving as he hurried over. Then he looked closely and saw Alicia.

Catching Him

Twitter / Msixelaa

Alicia’s stomach plummeted, then she stiffened as the adrenaline rushed through her body. She gripped the steering wheel, digging her nails into it until her knuckles turned white.

They were both waiting for Liam to make his appearance, but for different reasons. Liam took a step back, shaking his head in disbelief. Alicia was trembling behind the wheel, her foot half an inch above the gas pedal.

All Lies


He lied about going to New York. He lied about his sick mother. He lied about everything. He had been cheating on her with the woman who was sitting right next to her. And Bre was livid.

She hurled her door open and rushed to him, needing an explanation for what was happening. She caught Liam running away and yanked him to a stop.

Deer In The Headlights

YouTube / Ekleroshock records

Alicia looked right in his lying face. It took a few moments for him to register that she was there, but when he did, his smile fell.

Now, he looked like a frightened deer. And Alicia was going to eat him alive. He started to run, but he wasn’t quick enough. Alicia leaped out of the car to deliver a special brand of swift, painful justice.



As explained by Alicia, "He came out the house ready to assist with luggage AND THE DEVIL ROSE UP OUT OF ME LIKE ARE YOU DEAD RIGHT NOW and… he runs".

Before he could reach the safety of his apartment, Alicia was on him. She pummelled him with her fists as hard as she could. “Why, Liam?” she cried. But suddenly, there was a hand on her arm.

How Could He Do This?


“Because you work too hard,” Liam told Alicia. But his voice went low when he said, “And you forget stuff, Alicia.” “You forget a lot,” Tracy said behind them, and Alicia snarled.

Alicia’s teeth ground. Her fists balled, and she whirled around to face Tracy. What she found made her step back with a gasp.

She Forgot


“My cousin says you forget even your birthday,” Tracy said, a wrapped present in her arms. She jutted her chin at Liam and added, “He wanted to surprise you, even called me. And I’m the last person he calls.”

Alicia’s blood ran cold and her face flushed when she finally realized what was actually going on.


Facebook / Greenville Police Department

You see, Liam was quite a prankster. That’s what she loved about him. He was always trying to “get her,” but he hadn’t succeeded yet. This time, he’d gotten her good.

He’d concocted an elaborate scenario just to surprise her on her birthday. “But, your mom!” Alicia gasped. “She’s fine,” Liam said with a wink.

A Terrible Mistake


Suddenly, all of Alicia’s friends sprang out of nowhere, screaming ‘surprise’ as they showered her with confetti. Her heart thundered within her chest, and her breath hitched.

Although she could still feel the adrenaline rushing through her body, She knew she’d made a terrible, terrible mistake. Liam came and hugged her. “Happy birthday, my love,” he whispered.