Unprofessional Behavior

He was presenting a PowerPoint that I had put together to all the managers in the building. There was something he wanted to add at the last minute that he had never told me about, and when it wasn’t there, he verbally abused me for like 5 minutes straight.
Yelling, name-calling, telling me to prove to him that I had a college degree and wasn’t just making it up. I was a contractor, so I was afraid to complain to HR because I assumed, they’d just fire me, but a lot of other people in the room did.
After the meeting, I went into the share drive folder to find the presentation notes where the extra information was supposedly located. I watched the last changed time change from a day ago to the current time, then he immediately called and said it was right there in the notes file.
He was fired the next day for unprofessional behavior. Story credit: Reddit / ElToberino