When They Finally Discovered The Perfect Solution
I heard that every year in the Canadian winter, power lines would fail due to the weight of the snow. It took many days to build up enough to break a line, so they employed a team to walk the routes and shake the poles to loosen the snow.
One day, they saw a bear shaking the poles and realized that if they could get the bear to do it, they wouldn’t need to walk the route.
So, they gave one guy a bucket of honey and he’d walk the route painting the sides of the poles with honey to attract the bears. It worked for a few years, but this still takes a lot of time to do.
Then they had the idea of flying a helicopter along the route with a trained professional who would shoot honey paintballs at all the poles.
On its maiden flight, the helicopter passed the lines. That’s when they finally discovered the perfect solution: The downdraft caused by the helicopter blew away all of the snow. The flights still continue to this day…no paintballs needed. Story credit: Reddit / Gingrpenguin