Zoom Call Disasters That’ll Make You Want to Return to the Office

Classroom Etiquette


Our instructors would constantly tell us that we weren’t supposed to be driving or running errands while class was in session, but of course, that didn’t stop people from doing it anyway. I was bored during this one lecture and decided to look at what my classmates were doing. One student was in her car driving with the camera facing her.

She unmuted herself to ask the instructor a question, and BAM. We heard a pop and saw glass flying. The camera was tossed around, followed by a glimpse of the airbag and the sound of a horn. The girl crashed into another car at a red light. Eventually, she was fine, but I thought I had just witnessed her demise. What was even worse was that the girl was kicked out of the program for violating Zoom classroom etiquette.

Story credit: Reddit / Definition_of_Tragic

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