Zoom Call Disasters That’ll Make You Want to Return to the Office

Crossing Paths with a Bear


I used to work for a fairly high-end glamping company near Yellowstone. My days off included Tuesdays, which was also the day we had an important weekly management meeting via Zoom that I was expected to join if I happened to have a signal. One particular Tuesday, I was hiking up high on the Continental Divide at around 10k feet. I had plenty of signal to call in and join the meeting while enjoying a sub sandwich and a brew in a beautiful large meadowy saddle.

I called in on my phone when suddenly, a grizzly bear passed through about 150-200 yards below me. It never smelled me, but I was pretty certain it must have smelled my sandwich and came looking for it. Fortunately, it just passed along and out of sight in the opposite direction of where I was headed.

Story credit: Reddit / kristoHIKES

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