Zoom Call Disasters That’ll Make You Want to Return to the Office

Constant Interruptions


My division was having a department-wide recognition meeting with the director of the department and all the executives to thank specific teams and staff for their accomplishments. So many people didn’t know how to turn on their mute, and there were constant interruptions of phones going off and people taking outside calls. One guy decided to go off saying, “I’m in this terrible meeting. Woo-hoo, you got an award congratulations! Give me a break!”

All the while, they kept talking on the phone. It was so loud, he was speaking over the director. It was complete chaos. The director was trying to get him to shut up and was yelling at our tech crew to get a handle on everything. Everyone saw who it was. I assumed he got written up pretty badly for it.

Story credit: Reddit / Random_Cat_007

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