Zoom Call Disasters That’ll Make You Want to Return to the Office

It Changed How I Saw Them Forever


I was on a Webex call. At the time, Webex didn’t let you know who left a call; you would merely hear a “beep” sound when someone left. If multiple people left at the same time, you would never know who was actually gone unless those remaining continued talking. The client contact asked for certain people to stay on the call I was on.

They proceeded to badmouth absolutely EVERYONE who had left the call. Little did they know that a couple of colleagues, including myself, had stayed on and recorded the entire 20-minute tirade. It was awful. I was working overtime, crossing my T’s and dotting my I’s, and the stuff I heard about myself made me question my ability. I never saw them in the same light again.

Story credit: Reddit / CVipersTie

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